Our sizing is fairly standard, unless otherwise stated in garment details.
All measurements are given in garment listings.
To help with finding the right size, below is some tips when measuring yourself.
If you don’t own a tape measure, a piece of string or ribbon works fine too. Simply use in replace of the tape measure and then take your measurements from string laying it out flat.
- When measuring don’t pull tape too tight, let it sit comfortably against body. Make sure there is no kinks or twists.
- It is best to take measurements against skin rather than clothing.
- Standing in front of a mirror is also helpful to ensure your tape is flat and straight (not sitting higher in some parts).
Bust – Place measuring tape around your chest in a full circle, tape should run over the fullest part of your bust.
Hip – Place the measuring tape around your hips in a full circle. Ensure tape is around fullest part.
Waist – Place measuring tape around your waist in a full circle. Ensure tape is around the smallest part of your waist. Usually about 1-2cm above belly button.
Below is a chart to help with size conversion.
Any further questions you may have about sizing we are more then happy to answer at